Sunday, July 30, 2006

Summer Time Thoughts

It's been a pretty entertaining summer so far, and as we come to the last month, I'm left wondering what it is I've accomplished and learnt thus far.

1. I love that I've rekindled a friendship with someone who I'd thought I'd never get as close to again. And no, it may never be the same but the fact that I know I can still go to her for anything makes me feel a little more assured once again. It sucks that I don't get to spend the summer with her back home, but it's great knowing we're only an hour and a phone call (or MSN) away from a little peace of mind.

2. A baby pool was by far the best investment made this summer.

3. I love not living at home for the summer, but I miss home so much. I miss my parents, my friends, family. And I miss golfing whenever I want.

4. I miss going down to the lake for tea and watching a storm roll in. WHY does Waterloo NEVER get any thunderstorms?!

5. I miss going for a run in my spot. I don't have a spot in Waterloo and I want one.

6. I love being able to come and go as I please and not have to worry about telling my parents what's going on. It's like being at school... but summer time, and wait, I was in school.

7. I'm SO excited to work again. Never thought the words would come out of my mouth.

8. Sometimes just listening to someone can make a difference. It's amazing how things change... First impressions are always lasting impressions, but they are never final impressions. And getting along with someone can be alot easier than you think it will ever be. I like that.

9. I feel much more at ease and happy with where things are going now that I've made the switch that I wanted to make... It's sad that I'm not going to be a Laurier Grad along with my friends, but I like that I've gone off to do what I knew I needed to do. It feels good. Scary, but good.

And finally...

10. Yes, summer is drawing into the last quarter, but I am excited to get into my new place. To start a new roomie life. It's going to be difficult and frustrating as Hell, but I'm excited about it. And thank goodness I have plenty of places to escape to!


At 12:58 PM, Blogger Miss.Emily said...

I love your words of wisdom, Trishy. You're right that first impressions are sometimes wrong. People change over time too, and impressions need to change with them.

At 5:44 PM, Blogger ~Kelly~ said...

Last night I stood on the front lawn of my cottage and watched one of the craziest storms I've ever seen roll in off the lake. I've never quite experienced anything like it! I honestly thought it was a tornado.
It was insane!! #4 just reminded me of that.
I'm SO excited for you to work too! Yesss discounts!!
I'll see you tomorrow!! Good luck with your exam and stop procrastinating!

At 8:13 PM, Blogger YourSecretLover said...

I miss you in Oakville too hun! It's just not the same without you and our weekly...ok who are we kidding, practically daily, Starbuck's trips. I know you needed to be in Waterloo though...that doesn't mean I have to like it though! lol! We'll see each other as much as possible this year lover! I love you!


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