Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Oooh Baby I Love Your Way... Everyday

What is it that makes us realize that we are lucky?

I'm not sure what happened to me today, but something inside me clicked. I was standing in the shower mulling over all the work that I have to do in the next two days and having a minor heart attack, when suddenly I realized just how good I have it.

Lately I feel like I've been living in a negative world, concentrating on issues that I shouldn't even care about. Maybe it's that time of year... February being such a cold and grey month, everyone being stressed out by midterms and essays and presentations... It all just seems neverending. Something happened today and it was like I could finally see clearly, like there was finally blue skies ahead.
When I think about it, I really don't have anything to be unhappy about.
I have my health, a family that loves me, fantastic friends and roommates whom I care about more than they know, a guy I am crazy about who looks at me through these wonderful rose-tinted glasses, and am getting an education that so many people around the world would love to have.

If we all took a step back and looked at our lives, we'd all see just how lucky we really are.

Yeah, school can suck, and right now in the midst of midterms and the neverending pile of essays and assignments we all have, it REALLY sucks at the moment. But I challenge all of you to take a step back, close your eyes and take a deep breath and think about your life.

We have our health, our family, an education, and we have each other. And that's what's important in life.

So let's all take this opportunity and give ourselves a small little smile. Because right now as hard as it is to see... our lives are pretty fantastic.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Miss.Emily said...

Here here!


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