Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Year In Review

I know I haven't posted anything in almost a month (eek!), but life seems to have gotten in the way lately and I just haven't found myself the time (or desire, let's be honest) to put any thoughts down. Right now though, I am going to see what I can do to rectify the situation. Bare with me here.

There's been alot going on in life lately. School is coming to a close, and summer is beginning. This summer holds such promise and yet I feel that it is just out of my reach, like I can't quite grasp it yet. I am hoping that within the next week or so I will have a firm grip on summer and will be ready to sit back and enjoy. Along with school coming to a close, so is a fantastic year with my roommates... As hard as it is for me to say this, and as much as I do not want to admit this, especially now... I am going to miss them terribly. They have been the source of endless entertainment, laughs, tears, hugs and tickle fights for the past eight months. And though there have been many times when I'm sure I have wanted to shoot myself and just get out of here, I have always wanted to return and returned with such excitement. So to them, I say thankyou... Thanks for putting up with my OCD, my obsessive organisation, and my crazy bouts of cleaning. I know if anyone can put up with it, it is them and put up with it they have.

On top of roommate drama and sadness, I feel that I have somewhat rekindled a relationship with a friend whom I drifted from. Though I hadn't drifted for long, it was an odd few weeks and I am happy that I feel I can still talk to and confide in this person. I'm not sure if you know who you are, but just know that I think you are hilarious and I always have so much fun when with you.

Just as I have rekindled a friendship, I feel that I am losing one, and it breaks my heart... This amazing young girl has been my lady of comfort, my shoulder to cry on, the one I go to with all my problems, as well as the one I go to in moments of sheer stupidity. I used to feel that we were so close nothing could come between us, but now I am beginning to feel different and I feel that I may have made a mistake. She began dating this guy and I wasn't the biggest fan of him because I thought she deserved the sky and the moon, and I didn't think he was willing to offer it to her. As she came to me to discuss things with him, I feel that I may not have been as supportive or understanding as I could have been. I want her to know that I respect every decision she makes, and I know that if she can see the beauty in this guy, then I know that I can too. She is my source of endless laughter, and truly is my guardian angel. Without her I would feel lost. I hope she knows how much I truly truly love her and admire her.

This has been quite the year. I have made new friends, stepped onto a different playing field with my parents, laughed until I have cried, and cried until I have laughed. On top of everything else with school and family and friends, I have entered a relationship that honestly makes me feel like I am lit from within. I feel like I can tell him anything, be my authentic self, and act like my stupid self with him. As hard as the past two years have been watching waiting and wishing, it has been worth the wait, and I would do it 100 times over if I had to.

Quite the year indeed. And I wouldn't change a single thing about it.


In the past year this is what I have learnt:

Maybe my parents are my friends afterall
Patience is a virtue
Life is up and down like a yo-yo, and you have to enjoy and appreciate how good life is BEFORE it all turns to shit
I have a newfound respect and admiration for my father
There is nothing quite like a good cry
I have issues with control
Do not expect people to come to you if they have a problem with you... They won't.
No matter how well you think you know people... You really don't
Good things are hard to come by, but when they do, hold them close but not too close
Patience is a virtue
I am obsessed with organising (from school notes, to banking, all the way to how my underwear is organised... it's bad.)
Friends + Martinis/Wine can be a solution to any problem
Every girl has an inner sex kitten
It is possible to be screwed this late in the game
It IS possible to wake up still drunk the morning after your 21st
And it IS possible to have a two-day hangover
Patience is a virtue
I have issues with trust
NEVER shop when you are upset
I am dating one of my most favourite people in the world, and it is so much better than I ever thought it could be
People I never thought I would be friends with... I like.
You've gotta roll with the punches
I am 21. I feel old.
Patience is a virtue.


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Miss.Emily said...

Wow, I actually have a tear in my eye. I can't believe you might be leaving, it's so surreal. It seems like we've all gotten so close so fast, and now it's actually starting to come to an end already. These years with all of us together will last forever, whether friendships do or not. We've influenced each other for a lifetime just by knowing each other.

And I just want to say, that if you hadn't put patience is a virtue in there 3 times, I would never have paid attention to it. It's one of those cliches that you hear so often it loses it's meaning. But after reading it the third time I really thought about patience. It is such an important thing to have. People tend to rush through this life always reaching for the next thing in line, but we need to just be patient and enjoy the moment knowing it will all come together with time.

Thanks for making me think Trisha :)

At 9:14 PM, Blogger ~Kelly~ said...

My dearest Trish,
I am too emotional! What a beautiful blog my darling! It brought me to tears!! Not to mention the comments from your roomies.. *sniff sniff* This year has had it's share of ups and downs and I'm glad I was brought into your life. You have brought me endless nights of laughter and and companionship.
It's surreal to think that just 8 months ago, all of you guys were just pictures on a computer. I'm so glad I was given the opportunity to be apart of your life, and regardless of what happens in the coming year, you will always be welcome at my place for a movie and a bottle (or two) of wine. And yes, a bottle of wine with a friend can cure anything!
I hope that you will be in town for the summer, It will be me and you babe, I'm so glad I'll have a tanning and drinking partner!
And P.S.. I'm glad you finally found your inner sex kitten!!
Love you babe!!


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