Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bappity Bap Bap... Bap.

1) Being sick sucks. I am so high on Neo Citran and Tylenol Cold stuff right now. I just want my mom. Moms are always the best when you're sick. Why is that?

2) Working part-time and being a student full-time sucks. HARD. Looking at your grades after working too much is definitely a wake-up call. And yet... I can't stop working. I need to work to go to school. And I need to be in school in order to get a good job when I'm older. It's a vicious cycle. Either way, I need to cut back on the hours this semester.

3) Working over Christmas break sucks as well. I spent more time in Waterloo than I did at home over the break. That makes me sad. I miss my mom. Even though I just saw her like 6 days ago.

4) You know what's weird? Waking up on Christmas morning and feeling like there's somebody missing even though there really isn't... All the people who are normally there were, and yet it felt like he was missing. That's what I felt like on Christmas morning. Is that weird?

5) I haven't posted a blog in forever. I've been slacking, I know.

6) New Year's Eve I stayed in. It was perfect. Nice dinner. Movies. Watched the new year roll in... I'm old.

7) I am SOOOO ready to be done with school. I need a vacation. Okay, maybe I don't NEED one. But I want one damnit. I want to go lay on a beach, read, tan, and have lots of sex with my man.

8) It's weird. I got really close this summer with someone I thought was a friend. And now she barely speaks to me. I'm not sure what I did. I thought she was my friend, maybe I was wrong?

9) I got new black Uggs for Christmas. They are my most favourite thing since sliced bread. I have no idea how I ever lived without them until now.

10) I'm going to go take more Neo Citran and cold drugs. They make me feel good. :)


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Miss.Emily said...

OMG I can't believe you just said sex, that caught me totally off-guard!

Sometimes what ppl really want is to be liked and they will even disregard their true friends in order to do fit in with other people. Maybe this person who you thought was your friend is just insecure. I wouldn't take it personally.

Why have I not seen these black uggs yet? Sliced bread is pretty sweet, we'll have to see if they live up to their reputation...

At 8:28 PM, Blogger YourSecretLover said...

You are such a grandma. I am semi-jealous of the fact that you got to stay in for New Years. Ah well.

Whoever wouldn't want to be friends with you is crazy my dear! Crazy I say!

I say, spend the money from work on a vacation and have lots of sex. Or....just have lots of sex. whichever.


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