Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Me Vs. a Raging Bull: Who will win?

WARNING: What you are about to read is the most random bunch of crap you will ever read.

Reading Week just ended and I had a sufficiently uneventful week. Granted, I went to a spa for a few days with my mom. Broke out in hives because apparently, APPARENTLY I am allergic to the entire Aveda line. Who's allergic to AVEDA?! Seriously! A bunch of you all got to go away for Reading Week. I'm not going to complain though because I had the chance to go and I chose not to. Why you ask? Because I'm an IDIOT. But, it's all okay because I get to go away at the end of April if I want to anyways... to BACARDI ISLAND BITCHES! I just have to get up the guts to say yes.

I feel like I have perma Writer's Block. I used to love writing blogs. I always felt good afterwards, it got things off my chest, it was 'therapeutic' you could say. But now? Now I feel like I have nothing to say. My life is boring and uneventful. To the point where on a Friday and Saturday night I was in bed and asleep by 10:30... over READING WEEK. What is WRONG with me?!

I got a new fish. King Triton passed away over Christmas Break... I'm not gonna lie, I was upset. I loved that fish. It was like a member of my one-person family. But I finally decided it was time to move on and get another one. His name is Mowgli. That's right. From the Jungle Book. He's a bright deep blue. He's supposed to be mine and Ryan's fish together. But we all know it's going to be just mine.

WARNING #2: I'm feeling pretty bitter and crabby today.

I am so ready to be done with school. I'm ready for the midterms to end. For the essays to go @#$! themselves. I'm also ready to quit my job. We all know I won't. But I wish I could.
I'm ready for summer as well. I'm tired of the damn snow. Of the cold. And feeling like I'm always cold.
I'm ready to say goodbye. I'm ready to stop feeling like the bad guy all the time. And I'm ready to stop having to justify my actions to everyone.

I feel like I need to break free. I need to get OUT of here. Kiss it all away and say see ya. But I won't. I never will. Because I always will do what people expect and want of me. I'll smile and nod and act like I'm okay with all of it. On the inside I'm raging and I'm facing a raging bull as well. Who's going to win?

I bet you 5 bucks it won't be me.