Tuesday, May 30, 2006


There once was a girl named Kelly,
and Lordy was she smelly,
smelly like Roses as she struck seductive poses,
There's nothing quite like Kelly

Since I haven't posted anything in oh.... like two months, my dear friend Kelly has been harassing me to post something. And so here I am, supposed to be studying for a midterm and I am posting about Kelly and her awesomeness(ness).
As I'm sitting here pondering what to write, I am thinking to myself 'what should I NOT write?'. And just as I think this Kelly warns me to be nice.
To her I say, 'do not fret my pet!'.

So where do I begin?
What to say, what not to say?
As in most friendships, Kelly and I kidd with one another because we love. More than a barrel of laughs, you can always count on Kelly to see the bright side of things. And when there isn't a bright side to things, she is always ready to drink with you to make it seem brighter.

Back in the fall, I always used to see Kelly every morning. I'd be walking up the stairs and there she would be: Ready to use the bathroom just like me.
And what did I do? I would take it before she got there in time. Every morning.
To her I say thanks! And sorry for stealing the bathroom!

And now... well now I practically live with Kelly, though we no longer fight for the bathroom every morning. I say practically live with her, because she lives with my certain someone and we stay there most nights.
Am I sad that we no longer fight over the bathroom in the morning? Yes and no. Yes because I no longer see her smiling face every morning as I grumble a hello. And no because I no longer feel guilty for stealing the bathroom from her every morning.

Like I said, Kelly is pretty awesome. She rubs my feet, plays with my hair and tells me I'm hot. What more could I ask for!?

So to her I say:
I want you.
Wet and naked.

Your Secret Admirer

(Thumbs up!!)